Radio-jet triggered star formation in a molecular gas flow


I attended the Star formation in the era of JWST conference in Greece, where I discussed my work on star formation in the molecular gas filament in the central galaxy of the Abell 1795 cluster. The BCG has ~7-10 kpc long molecular gas filaments with bright UV emission indicative of star formation wrapped around radio jets emanating from the central AGN. I presented my results on the interaction between radio jets and the gas, the nature and efficiency of star formation and the role of turbulence.

The event was well-organized and included a series of exciting science talks on a variety of topics related to star formation. These talks covered planet formation, the interstellar medium, star formation in both low and high redshift universes, and star formation in extreme environments.

Participants also enjoyed an unforgettable excursion to the stunning Meteora, renowned for its breathtaking monasteries perched atop rock pillars. The excursion included a challenging yet rewarding hike up the legendary Mt. Olympus.

The conference dinner was a highlight, featuring lively Greek folk dancing with live music, making the night truly memorable. Conference photo: SF-JWST2023-Conference-photo